
Si te pastrojme makinen ne brendesi

Ta dergoni veturen tuaj ne ndonje vend ku ata do te mund ta pastronin do te ju kushtoje para, keshtu qe pse nuk provoni qe me pak kohe dhe pak pune ta kryeni kete pune vete? Eshte nje pune shum e lehte.

Cka do te ju duhet: Do te ju duhet nje fshise elektrike, Disa peshqire pastruese, dhe ndonje pastrues xhamash.
What you will need:  Vacuum cleaner with hose and attachments, Extension Cable (for vacuum if needed), Garden Hose (if plastic floor mats), Paper towels or Rags, and Windex (or any other Window Cleaner).

Per pastrim: Filloni duke hequr te gjitha gjerat e panevojshem qe gjenden ne veturat tuaja, dhe hidhni ato ne mbeturina.

To Clean: Start by emptying your vehicle of all your belongings, trash, and recyclables.

Hiqni jashte tepihet qe gjenden ne veture.

Take out any floor mats and lay them aside.

Filloni qe tepihet ti pastroni me fshise elektrike.

Vacuum floors, Under seats, Around pedals, Seats, Etc.

Pastaj filloni qe me peshqire pastruese te pastroni pjeset e brendshme te karigeve, nese mund ti hiqni do te ishte edhe me mire qe te pastronit dhe do ta kishit me lehte. Pastaj i vendosni prap ne makine.

Shake/beat and/or vacuum floor mats if they are carpet.

Me ndonje pastrues filloni te pastroni xhamat, pjeset brenda dyerve dhe ne vendet ku ka pluhur.
Spray a little Window Cleaner on dashboard, the inside of the doors, plastic armrests, etc.

Pasi ti pastroni te gjitha pjeset brenda makines, tani ju mund te filloni duke pastruar pjesen e jashtme te makines.
Wipe away dust, gunk, and excess Cleaner with a Rag or Paper Towel.

Tani nga pjesa e jashtme ju duhet te merni nje peshqir pastrues te ri jo te perdorur, per te eleminurat te gjitha papastertite dhe pluhurin qe gjendet aty.
Wipe the inside side of the windows with Cleaner and a Rag or Paper Towel eliminating streaks and smears.

Filloni te vendosni te gjitha gjerat qe deshironi mbrenda ne makine pasi ta keni pastruar pjesen e brendshme te makines.

Replace any items you wish to keep in the car but removed for the cleaning.

E Gjitha eshte Gati!  E keni perfunduar. Tani mund te jeni krenar per punen qe keni bere, vetura juaj do te duket sikur e re apo jo?
And, Voila! You are done! Stand back and be proud of what you have done.


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